- Ralf Souquet
- Holger Vier
Game parameters comparison
Ralf Souquet vs Holger Vier
Pocketing 82.39%No data+21.04%
Runouts 25.00%No data+362.50%
Average run 3.27No data+31.86%
Break quality 43.33%No data+44.44%
Safety quality 44.00%No data-13.69%
Position play 2.00No data+55.62%
match parameters
Pocketing -13.99%No datafrom the average 95.79%
Runouts +65.00%No datafrom the average 15.15%
Average run +9.41%No datafrom the average 2.98
Break quality +6.77%No datafrom the average 40.59%
Safety quality -33.49%No datafrom the average 66.16%
Position play -2.98%No datafrom the average 2.06
Average impact parameters
Ralf Souquet vs Holger Vier
Shot speed 0.38No data-27.10%
Shot distance 0.66 mNo data-12.69%
Shot duration 37.19 sNo data-1.92%
Shot complexity 1.24No data-8.50%
Game parameters comparison
Ralf Souquet vs Holger Vier
Pocketing 82.39%No data+21.04%
Runouts 25.00%No data+362.50%
Average run 3.27No data+31.86%
Break quality 43.33%No data+44.44%
Safety quality 44.00%No data-13.69%
Position play 2.00No data+55.62%
match parameters
Pocketing -13.99%No datafrom the average 95.79%
Runouts +65.00%No datafrom the average 15.15%
Average run +9.41%No datafrom the average 2.98
Break quality +6.77%No datafrom the average 40.59%
Safety quality -33.49%No datafrom the average 66.16%
Position play -2.98%No datafrom the average 2.06
Average impact parameters
Ralf Souquet vs Holger Vier
Shot speed 0.38No data-27.10%
Shot distance 0.66 mNo data-12.69%
Shot duration 37.19 sNo data-1.92%
Shot complexity 1.24No data-8.50%