- Shane Van Boening
- Omar Al Shaheen
Game parameters comparison
Shane Van Boening vs Omar Al Shaheen
Pocketing 70.91%No data-9.86%
Runouts 46.15%No data-7.69%
Average run 1.92No data-26.28%
Break quality 22.22%No data-37.78%
Safety quality 42.86%No data-31.43%
Position play NaNNo dataNaN%
match parameters
Pocketing -26.98%No datafrom the average 97.11%
Runouts +69.22%No datafrom the average 27.27%
Average run -52.90%No datafrom the average 4.07
Break quality -61.74%No datafrom the average 58.08%
Safety quality -32.99%No datafrom the average 63.96%
Position play -NaN%No datafrom the average 2.92
Average impact parameters
Shane Van Boening vs Omar Al Shaheen
Shot speed 0.51No data-15.47%
Shot distance 1.02 mNo data+31.33%
Shot duration 19.97 sNo data+21.30%
Shot complexity 1.02No data-29.66%
00:18:18Table time00:20:34
00:18:18Table time00:20:34
Game parameters comparison
Shane Van Boening vs Omar Al Shaheen
Pocketing 70.91%No data-9.86%
Runouts 46.15%No data-7.69%
Average run 1.92No data-26.28%
Break quality 22.22%No data-37.78%
Safety quality 42.86%No data-31.43%
Position play NaNNo dataNaN%
match parameters
Pocketing -26.98%No datafrom the average 97.11%
Runouts +69.22%No datafrom the average 27.27%
Average run -52.90%No datafrom the average 4.07
Break quality -61.74%No datafrom the average 58.08%
Safety quality -32.99%No datafrom the average 63.96%
Position play -NaN%No datafrom the average 2.92
Average impact parameters
Shane Van Boening vs Omar Al Shaheen
Shot speed 0.51No data-15.47%
Shot distance 1.02 mNo data+31.33%
Shot duration 19.97 sNo data+21.30%
Shot complexity 1.02No data-29.66%