- Justin Pelech
- Kevin West
Game parameters comparison
Justin Pelech vs Kevin West
Pocketing 60.98%No data-23.25%
Runouts 0.00%No datasame
Average run 1.80No data-42.61%
Break quality 20.00%No data-60.00%
Safety quality 41.67%No data+8.33%
Position play 1.05No data-51.94%
match parameters
Pocketing -28.42%No datafrom the average 85.19%
Runouts sameNo datafrom the average 0.00%
Average run -12.20%No datafrom the average 2.05
Break quality sameNo datafrom the average 20.00%
Safety quality +100%No datafrom the average NaN%
Position play +100%No datafrom the average NaN
Average impact parameters
Justin Pelech vs Kevin West
Shot speed 0.51No data+40.64%
Shot distance 0.54 mNo data-30.15%
Shot duration 21.36 sNo data-8.88%
Shot complexity 0.72No data-27.63%
Game parameters comparison
Justin Pelech vs Kevin West
Pocketing 60.98%No data-23.25%
Runouts 0.00%No datasame
Average run 1.80No data-42.61%
Break quality 20.00%No data-60.00%
Safety quality 41.67%No data+8.33%
Position play 1.05No data-51.94%
match parameters
Pocketing -28.42%No datafrom the average 85.19%
Runouts sameNo datafrom the average 0.00%
Average run -12.20%No datafrom the average 2.05
Break quality sameNo datafrom the average 20.00%
Safety quality +100%No datafrom the average NaN%
Position play +100%No datafrom the average NaN
Average impact parameters
Justin Pelech vs Kevin West
Shot speed 0.51No data+40.64%
Shot distance 0.54 mNo data-30.15%
Shot duration 21.36 sNo data-8.88%
Shot complexity 0.72No data-27.63%