- Marsel Safiullin
- Oleg Kirillov
Game parameters comparison
Marsel Safiullin vs Oleg Kirillov
Pocketing 63.49%No data+16.40%
Runouts 0.00%No datasame
Average run 1.93No data+2.35%
Break quality 40.00%No data+100%
Safety quality 52.17%No data+4.35%
Position play 0.80No data-14.35%
match parameters
Pocketing -31.97%No datafrom the average 93.33%
Runouts -100.00%No datafrom the average 8.95%
Average run -32.35%No datafrom the average 2.86
Break quality -21.10%No datafrom the average 50.70%
Safety quality +30.12%No datafrom the average 40.10%
Position play -52.84%No datafrom the average 1.70
Average impact parameters
Marsel Safiullin vs Oleg Kirillov
Shot speed 0.41No data+27.24%
Shot distance 0.63 mNo data-19.48%
Shot duration 19.86 sNo data-12.07%
Shot complexity 1.03No data-2.47%
Game parameters comparison
Marsel Safiullin vs Oleg Kirillov
Pocketing 63.49%No data+16.40%
Runouts 0.00%No datasame
Average run 1.93No data+2.35%
Break quality 40.00%No data+100%
Safety quality 52.17%No data+4.35%
Position play 0.80No data-14.35%
match parameters
Pocketing -31.97%No datafrom the average 93.33%
Runouts -100.00%No datafrom the average 8.95%
Average run -32.35%No datafrom the average 2.86
Break quality -21.10%No datafrom the average 50.70%
Safety quality +30.12%No datafrom the average 40.10%
Position play -52.84%No datafrom the average 1.70
Average impact parameters
Marsel Safiullin vs Oleg Kirillov
Shot speed 0.41No data+27.24%
Shot distance 0.63 mNo data-19.48%
Shot duration 19.86 sNo data-12.07%
Shot complexity 1.03No data-2.47%