- David O`Halloran
- Mitchel Knuever
Game parameters comparison
David O`Halloran vs Mitchel Knuever
Pocketing 66.13%No data-3.68%
Runouts 0.00%No datasame
Average run 2.19No data-13.00%
Break quality 0.00%No datasame
Safety quality 33.33%No data-22.22%
Position play 0.24No data+100%
match parameters
Pocketing -30.56%No datafrom the average 95.24%
Runouts sameNo datafrom the average 0.00%
Average run -8.06%No datafrom the average 2.38
Break quality sameNo datafrom the average 0.00%
Safety quality -66.67%No datafrom the average 100.00%
Position play -54.57%No datafrom the average 0.52
Average impact parameters
David O`Halloran vs Mitchel Knuever
Shot speed 0.45No data-14.84%
Shot distance 0.88 mNo data+18.00%
Shot duration 30.94 sNo data+103.20%
Shot complexity 1.23No data-2.42%
Game parameters comparison
David O`Halloran vs Mitchel Knuever
Pocketing 66.13%No data-3.68%
Runouts 0.00%No datasame
Average run 2.19No data-13.00%
Break quality 0.00%No datasame
Safety quality 33.33%No data-22.22%
Position play 0.24No data+100%
match parameters
Pocketing -30.56%No datafrom the average 95.24%
Runouts sameNo datafrom the average 0.00%
Average run -8.06%No datafrom the average 2.38
Break quality sameNo datafrom the average 0.00%
Safety quality -66.67%No datafrom the average 100.00%
Position play -54.57%No datafrom the average 0.52
Average impact parameters
David O`Halloran vs Mitchel Knuever
Shot speed 0.45No data-14.84%
Shot distance 0.88 mNo data+18.00%
Shot duration 30.94 sNo data+103.20%
Shot complexity 1.23No data-2.42%