- Billy Thorpe
- Qiu Yuxuan
Game parameters comparison
Billy Thorpe vs Qiu Yuxuan
Pocketing 90.14%No data+3.25%
Runouts 27.27%No data+56.82%
Average run 3.94No data-1.56%
Break quality 75.00%No data-6.25%
Safety quality 22.22%No data-66.67%
Position play 2.91No data+18.42%
match parameters
Pocketing -4.38%No datafrom the average 94.27%
Runouts +34.66%No datafrom the average 20.25%
Average run +15.29%No datafrom the average 3.42
Break quality +44.53%No datafrom the average 51.89%
Safety quality -56.21%No datafrom the average 50.75%
Position play +29.32%No datafrom the average 2.25
Average impact parameters
Billy Thorpe vs Qiu Yuxuan
Shot speed 0.47No data+14.95%
Shot distance 0.64 mNo data+2.98%
Shot duration 19.65 sNo data-22.93%
Shot complexity 1.17No data-19.67%
Game parameters comparison
Billy Thorpe vs Qiu Yuxuan
Pocketing 90.14%No data+3.25%
Runouts 27.27%No data+56.82%
Average run 3.94No data-1.56%
Break quality 75.00%No data-6.25%
Safety quality 22.22%No data-66.67%
Position play 2.91No data+18.42%
match parameters
Pocketing -4.38%No datafrom the average 94.27%
Runouts +34.66%No datafrom the average 20.25%
Average run +15.29%No datafrom the average 3.42
Break quality +44.53%No datafrom the average 51.89%
Safety quality -56.21%No datafrom the average 50.75%
Position play +29.32%No datafrom the average 2.25
Average impact parameters
Billy Thorpe vs Qiu Yuxuan
Shot speed 0.47No data+14.95%
Shot distance 0.64 mNo data+2.98%
Shot duration 19.65 sNo data-22.93%
Shot complexity 1.17No data-19.67%